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elAIt 2021


 June 25, 2021

 June 25, 2021

elAIt 2021

Eldaas technologies proudly announces the launch of ELAIT, Eldaas Technologies Artificial Intelligence Tournament, a novel AI hunt for the year 2021. ELAIT is a platform where enthusiasts get to explore real life problems and implement it’s solution as an AI application on the elSoM development kits. Through this Global challenge, we invite students, explorers, working professionals, hobbyists and enthusiasts from around the world to build their own solutions for any kind of problems they come across. Two teams which successfully develop an AI application over the elSoM boards, for their own chosen problem statement will receive INR 50,000 each, including the whole set of development boards.

ELAIT believes that there is a solution for any kind of real life problems, and they can be brought to life with the help of AI. Our home, the Earth, is facing countless challenges. Health, education, climate, crime and the list can go on. Many of us try to contemplate on the issues and look for solutions. Be it a small inconvenience, or a global threat, there is always a way out. An inquisitive mind can dwell on any real-world problem situation and come up with an ingenious solution for it. We at ELAIT, welcome those problem solvers to innovate, develop and implement solutions with an AI application on our development kits. Get to know more about elSoM 

Our perception and way of living have been drastically transformed with the recent pandemic scenario. Innumerable requirements have emerged with respect to contact less processes and remote working environment. The horizon of solutions which AI can give, to tackle the challenges is ever expanding and is beyond human imagination. Not with an intention to prioritize, but only to mention, out of the countless sectors which can be benefitted by AI, naming a few of them as health care, agriculture, civilian security, transport, sports, education system etc. 

Students need to catch up with the rapid pace of development and technological advancements. ELDAAS intends to encourage and support all enthusiasts in learning AI, ML and neural networks, improving their understanding, build new skills for a bright professional career. This platform extends opportunities to gain hands-on experience in the world of AIoTOur expert panel is always available to mentor and handhold the true talent and drive them to success. 

Greet your peers, prove yourself. Bring up your own problem statement and etch your own solution on our elSoM kits. It’s time the true talent to enter the tech battle field. Register here, 

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