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Choosing a SoM is not an option it’s an opportunity


 August 6, 2020

 August 6, 2020

Choosing a SoM is not an option it’s an opportunity

Over the years, companies come across the decision whether to choose a single board computer or a System on Module for a requirement. 

In my view, choosing either one of them is always determined by the target application, design constraints etc. My point is, a company’s future business opportunity is determined at the design stage itself. You have 2 distinct ways if you choose a SBC or a SoM module. 

Am not arguing that SBC is not a right choice but, there are constraints if you need to live with SBC based designs. Those constraints may grow as a product feature issues or business limiter over a period of time. 

More importantly, product ownership will not be fully established in SBC based solutions. Majority of the time, SBC was helpful during an evaluation stage. When the project moves to next stage, SBC slowly fadeout and the role of SoM increases. 

More importantly, product ownership will not be fully established in SBC based solutions. Majority of the time, SBC was helpful during an evaluation stage. When the project moves to next stage, SBC slowly fadeout and the role of SoM increases. 

The SoM module also gives a flexibility and many other advantages on technical aspects. 

  1. It helps them to isolate the CPU section. 
  2. No pain on working with processor, memory and RF parts. 
  3. Easy to integrate with any product. 
  4. Complete ownership of carrier board design. With free hand to design, Customer can build their IP on carrier board.
  5. Releasing an upgrade/Legacy Migration, adapting in new design are always a cake walk. 
  6. Can provide multiple variants in hardware/software or a combination of both. 
  7. Pay only for what you need. Optimized hardware price to win the market. 

ARM core processor-based systems are surplus in the market due to their extended capabilities on edge connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, thin yet powerful design etc. Choosing a best SoM among them always a painful task. 

We help companies on choosing a right SoM for their end applications. With our black & white report you will get more insight on the solution blueprint and opportunities. 

  • Are you looking for a SoM? 
  • Are you confused on choosing a design path? 
  • Does your application demand beyond normal IoT? [edge computing/cloud connectivity/Artificial Intelligence] 
  • Module longevity is must require? 

If you are looking for answer to any of these questions, we must be a good match to meet & discuss. Kindly follow this link and register with us. We would love to host you for a discussion as per your availability. 

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