Product Shipping Process​

Courier Account

Products can be shipped on either ELDAAS courier account or the customer’s courier account. ELDAAS Prefers to use customer’s courier to avoid customs issues in the destination port.  


ELDAAS delivery department insures all shipments by default, unless otherwise explicitly specified in the customer’s order.

Responsibility in case of loss

Items shipped on ELDAAS courier account remain ELDAAS responsibility until delivery to the customer. Customer must take responsibility for custom related issues. Items shipped on the customer’s courier account are the customer’s sole responsibility from collection at ELDAAS. Loss or damage during shipment is considered like loss/damage in the customer’s facilities. ELDAAS will support in all possible ways wherever required. 

No Consolidations

Items available for shipment at the same time are usually consolidated by default.

Consolidation requests are ignored in most cases, especially if they refer to items not available at the same time. 


Along with shipping products below documents will be provided. 

  • Invoice 
  • Delivery challan 
  • Test report 
  • Country of Origin document 
  • Certificate of Compliance (COC)
  • Declaration of items along with value
  • Items list in the package box

Beyond that listed above, no other documentation is provided, even if specifically requested in a purchase order form.

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